Elena Venieri Portfolio

Diastasi Recti

3 women are dancing and looking themselves in the mirror

Diastasis Guts is a comprehensive resource for individuals seeking information about diastasis recti, a common abdominal muscle separation. Our website provides easy-to-understand content, covering everything from the causes and symptoms of diastasis recti to treatment options and lifestyle management strategies.

The most important change you can make of your 4 most popular webpages

The most important change you can make your 4 most popular webpages February 14, 2022 Elena Venieri In this article I will guide you through the 4 most popular and trafficked pages of your website and for each one we will see the main tip to improve it. If you are short on time and […]

Creativity can be learned

Creativity can be learned March 29, 2021 Elena Venieri Have you ever been faced with a blank sheet of paper and not known what to write, or faced with a problem but not found a solution, or faced with a gift but had no ideas? So many people find themselves in these situations every day […]

Design Experience: Triggers

Design Experience: Triggers June 18, 2019 Elena Venieri When we buy a product or a service, we are actually buying the experience that we expect to have from that product or service. This is why the design experience is so important. Human beings, in fact, are not designed to store data, but stories. The narrative […]

Variable fonts

Variable fonts June 17, 2019 Elena Venieri A font revolution for the digital world This was one of the main subjects of the fourth edition of the CssDay in Faenza. The panorama provided by Giulia Laco highlighted current digital printing technologies and mentioned the future scenarios with the gradual introduction of “variable fonts”, the real engine driving […]

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