Elena Venieri Portfolio

I'm a senior UX designer
who finds hikes and tortellini equally inspiring.
Crafting seamless experiences is both my Job and my Passion!
I'm on a mission to tackle problems before they even realize they're problems, adding a touch of UX magic to make the world a tad better. Join me in turning trails into intuitive journeys, and let's transform challenges into delightful solutions together!


What I’ve been up to


Easy access

An app to integrate system diagnostic, customer care, certificate of installation provision, manual/faq area. In the medical industry.

time of work
visit qatar

Multiplying visitors

The rebranding of the website to give the user a taste of the delights of visiting Qatar and all its hidden gems, with a focus on usability.


Digitise a service

A global company, whose value lies in the connection between employee and customer, with the scope to bring the its business into digital age.


Building for the lasts

I had the pleasure of leading the communication revamp of Aviat, a non-profit that helps the people of Togo redeem themselves and for medical care. An attractive, updated and multilingual website.


A design system that stands

Where the effective and trouble-free work of employees is the priority. Usability, flows and design system are mixed together for a great result.


A risk simulator

Improving the usability of a financial risk simulator to gain the best experience as possible.


A bold and consistent identity

Designing the company website that reflect the key value of the company itself. A human centric design, a design system that stand.


Scalating usability

An international provider of financial services, asking us redesigning service to sign up for personal insurance. A usability study, 2 visual concepts, and some proposing evolutions.

Diastasi Guts

A user-friendly hub

Imagine struggling with Diastasis Recti after pregnancy, feeling lost and overwhelmed by confusing information. This could be the solution.

cms cruise

An audit for the tourism

An audit about UX for the website of CMS cruise. How to explore and prioritise quick wins and mid-term improvements?


This was a team effort

I am fortunate to have worked with some truly incredible people. From illustrious PhDs, to internet savants, to future famous names. I am honoured to be able to call such extraordinary people friends and collaborators. None of this would have been possible without them.


UX what? Notes from the field

The Most Important Change You Can Make Of Your 4 Most Popular Webpages

Every website has a homepage, and depending on what you do in your business, this page will look completely different. But one thing that is always present is the words you use at the top of the page, in the above-the-line.

The brand is also user experience

We are all familiar with branding because it is a concept that has been in place since people started buying and trading goods, but do we know it in its more modern meaning, which has evolved in the digital age?

ROI and user experience

In fact, every time I find myself talking about my work and telling people about my role, I find myself having to explain not only what I do, but more importantly what it is for. As a user experience designer, I feel like I have to constantly persuade potential clients and stakeholders of my work.

Tell a story. Storytelling that drives the user

Stories inspire, motivate and trigger the imagination. Stories have always been a part of human life, ever since prehistoric times when stories were told on cave walls. And they continue to capture the attention of the listener to this day.

We forgot the elderly a ux tailored to boomers and seniors

There were 703 million persons aged 65 years or over in the world in 2019. The number of older persons is projected to double to 1.5 billion in 2050.

Accessibility. A world within everyone's reach

Tim Berners-Lee, the creator of the world wide web said: ‘The power of the Web is in its universality’. Since its beginning we have strived to make as much information as possible connectable. In a speech he presented at the W3C meeting, London, 1997/12/3...

Creativity can be learned

Have you ever been faced with a blank sheet of paper and not known what to write, or faced with a problem but not found a solution, or faced with a gift but had no ideas? So many people find themselves in these situations every day and conclude by saying that they are not creative.

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