The most important change you can make of your 4 most popular webpages
The most important change you can make your 4 most popular webpages February 14, 2022 Elena Venieri In this article I will guide you through the 4 most popular and trafficked pages of your website and for each one we will see the main tip to improve it. If you are short on time and […]
The brand is also user experience
User experience is one of the 3 cornerstones of the brand experience. Together with visual identity and tone of voice.
ROI and user experience
ROI and user experience June 7, 2021 Elena Venieri In fact, every time I find myself talking about my work and telling people about my role, I find myself having to explain not only what I do, but more importantly what it is for. As a user experience designer, I feel like I have to […]
Tell a story. Storytelling that drives the user
Tell a story. Storytelling that drives the user March 25, 2021 Elena Venieri Stories inspire, motivate and trigger the imagination. Stories have always been a part of human life, ever since prehistoric times when stories were told on cave walls. And they continue to capture the attention of the listener to this day. While stories […]
We forgot the elderly. A UX tailored to boomers and seniors
We forgot the elderly. A UX tailored to boomers and seniors May 10, 2021 Elena Venieri “There were 703 million persons aged 65 years or over in the world in 2019. The number of older persons is projected to double to 1.5 billion in 2050. Globally, the share of the population aged 65 years or […]
Accessibility. A world within everyone’s reach
Accessibility. A world within everyone’s reach April 6, 2021 Elena Venieri Tim Berners-Lee, the creator of the world wide web said: ‘The power of the Web is in its universality’. Since its beginning we have strived to make as much information as possible connectable. In a speech he presented at the W3C meeting, London, 1997/12/3, […]
Creativity can be learned
Creativity can be learned March 29, 2021 Elena Venieri Have you ever been faced with a blank sheet of paper and not known what to write, or faced with a problem but not found a solution, or faced with a gift but had no ideas? So many people find themselves in these situations every day […]
UX is not a before/after image. The process you don’t expect
UX is not a before/after image. The process uou don’t expect March 12, 2021 Elena Venieri Sooner or later I’ll open my Instagram profile, where I’ll talk about UX and so every now and then I find myself thinking about what kind of posts I want to write, how to set them up visually, what […]
UX explained to my grandma
UX explained to my grandma March 1, 2021 Elena Venieri I’ve been working as a UX designer for years now, and before that, I held roles that revolved around this profession. In all these years, to all those who asked me, I proudly replied: I am a UX designer.98% of the time (that 2% difference […]
Usability testing: easier to do them than not to do them
Usability testing: easier to do them than not to do March 20, 2020 Elena Venieri In an increasingly digitalized world, user experience as we have written several times on this blog is fundamental. There are many tools available to design it at its best, but usability tests are the right key to verify the effectiveness and value of […]