Elena Venieri Portfolio

UX what?

UX what?

Over the years I have seen more people widen their eyes when I mentioned UX to them than people who nodded smugly at knowing they were in the inner circle of those who know what it means. So let’s try to widen this circle because we really need usability and services that really put people at the centre!

The most important change you can make of your 4 most popular webpages
The brand is also user experience
ROI and user experience
Tell a story. Storytelling that drives the user
We forgot the elderly. A UX tailored to boomers and seniors
Accessibility. A world within everyone’s reach
Creativity can be learned
UX is not a before/after image. The process you don’t expect
UX explained to my grandma
Usability testing: easier to do them than not to do them
UX for the Employee Experience
Design Experience: Triggers